by H Pasek
Cited by 4
Factors considered as the main ingredients in the US banks’ performance during and after the financial crisis: risk management, earnings, capital adequacy and .
by P Griep
Cited by 1
Weather and climate-driven climate change impact analysis shows that it is difficult to predict possible climate change impacts on agricultural production. One source of uncertainty comes from the interactions between .
by K Liu
Cited by 18
Scientists have demonstrated for the first time that a high-speed nanosurface can be effectively used to enhance the adsorption capacity of coal tar .
by X Liu
Cited by 3
There are three different types of mobility models: mobility behavior modeling, tree mobility modeling, and new technology modeling. It is found that for some mobile phone technologies, .
by K Liu
Cited by 6
It can be seen from this article that each product that produces a report also needs a report template. The report template is created with .
by L Liu
Cited by 1
The energy-efficient Lighting Interoperability Alliance(eLIA) is a global body focusing on developing a standard for lighting interoperability. The standard .
by J Liu
Cited by 2
According to the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) 2020 revised standard, it should be noted that LED lamps need to be .
by P Liu
Cited by 1
The data acquisition, storage, and management system is composed of an enclosure, a power supply, a data acquisition board, and the storage medium .
by P Liu
Cited by 3
Adaptive dynamic traffic signal control (ADTC) is an intelligent traffic signal controller system based on wireless communication, GPS, and .
by G Liu
Cited by 1
The forecast verification experiment of the original mobile phone call recorder was performed in the mobile phone call recorder. The result shows that the original .
by M Liu
Cited by 2
After a 5-year operation, the iVV system for electric vehicles in Norway has been stopped and replaced by the EV-Eco system, since the iVV .
by G Liu
Cited by 1
There are three main sections in the be359ba680
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